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Microsoft Teams SPFx Personal App configuration

Microsoft SharePoint Framework (SPFx) supports, since version 1.10.0, the ability to create Personal Apps for Microsoft Teams. A Personal App in Microsoft Teams is an App that a user can install and can be accessed through the left rail in... Continue Reading →

Creating a Microsoft Teams app: how easy is it?

In a comment on LinkedIn about my blog post about Microsoft Teams app setup policies, my old colleague Renso Jacobs asked me if I could write a blog post about how easy it is to create a Microsoft Teams App.... Continue Reading →

Microsoft Teams extensibility using SPFx

With version 1.7 of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), Microsoft introduced the possibility to create Tabs in Microsoft Teams using the SharePoint Framework. This means already made investments in SharePoint web parts using SPFx, can now be ported to teams. One... Continue Reading →

SharePoint (PnP) starter kit: people directory contribution

In my last blog post around the SharePoint (PnP) starter kit, I wrote about a search issue within this web part. I also wrote I advanced the initial people directory web part in order to display more information about a... Continue Reading →

PnP Starter kit: People directory search issue

Lately I was working on a client intranet project. The client wanted a People directory and a possibility to search for people. During some refinement sessions, the demand to show some custom user profile properties in the people directory came... Continue Reading →

PnP starter kit: optimisation considerations

As posted in my previous blog post, I have been playing around with the PnP starter kit. For a client I wanted to use some of the web parts and extensions as a basis. I particularly mention basis, because the... Continue Reading →

Contributing to Office 365 CLI project

Lately I have been contributing to the Office 365 CLI project on GitHub. The Office 365 CLI allows you to manage different settings of your Microsoft Office 365 tenant on any platform. CLI stands forĀ a command-line interface or command language... Continue Reading →

SharePoint Framework (SPFx) beschikbaar, en nu?

Microsoft heeft op 23 februari 2017 het SharePoint Framework (SPFx) publiekelijk beschikbaar gesteld (GA). Daarvoor was SPFx al beschikbaar voor ontwikkelaars in een preview fase. Nu SPFx publiekelijk beschikbaar is, kunnen we het ook voor productie doeleinden gaan inzetten. Wie,... Continue Reading →

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